Medscope Investors

Verdant Pty Ltd

Verdant logo Medscope meets Verdant's investment criteria of experienced management, innovation, market size and accessibility in an industry that is experiencing significant change.

... Dr. Stephen Chau, Managing Director, Verdant Pty Ltd.


Individual Investors


Professor Greg Peterson

Greg has an international standing and record of accomplishment in the area of programs to promote the safe, rational and cost-effective use of medications.

Greg is on the advisory board to Sigma Pharmaceuticals, an alternate Director and advisor to the National Prescribing Service, and Member of the Independent Review Board for the PBS.

Dr. Shane Jackson

Shane has a background in academic, consultant and community pharmacy and sits on the boards of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia, and the Australian Association of Consultant Pharmacy. He is a practicing consultant and community pharmacist and has significant experience in the delivery of professional pharmacy programs.


Intelligent island Tasmania

MAPP logo MRM is assisted by a grant from the Intelligent Island Market Access Partnership Program, which is funded by the Australian Government and is administrated by the Tasmanian Department of Economic Development and Tourism.

Medscope's Medication Review Manager Trial application [has] a sound value proposition, good management structure and professional backing from pharmacists

... Market Access and Partnership Program Assessment Panel, August 15, 2008



AusIndustry logo AusIndustry has given its support to Medscope's Medication Review Manager through a ComReady grant
